Mental Benefits from Online Gaming
The List Keeps Growing
With all the hype of how computer games have a negative impact on those who play them, new light keeps being shed on the positive side of that debate each passing day. We have all heard of some of the benefits, such as improved concentration, problem solving ability, and coordination, however some benefits are just now being discovered. Here is a short synopsis of the benefits that have been found to stem from playing online games:
- Problem Solving & Decision Making - Popular games seem to motivate players to strive to achieve better each time, therefore the motivation to attain these goals is also motivation to develop problem solving strategies to do so. This improves not only problem solving skills, but general decision making skills, as well.
- Social & Communication Skills - Studies by a professor at the Nottingham University have shown that playing games can enhance social abilities, specifically in children who suffer from attention deficit disorders. It is thought that this benefit will extend to other classifications of people, including those with high functioning autism once more research data is available. Games have also been proven to better an individual's ability to work as a team player.
- Motor Skills & Coordination - The act of moving the cursor on the screen by manipulating the mouse while playing has shown many benefits with large and small motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
- Mental Relief & Self Confidence - Games can definitely boost one's self confidence, however absorption in a game can also alleviate some of the stress of life in general. Hospitals even encourage very ill or injured children to play games, as it has been proven to take their mind off of their pain.
- Bridging the Generation Gap - Undeniably, finding activities to build that lasting family relationship is hard in today's fast paced world. Parents and children who play games together, not only have a mutual conversation topic, but build a better relationship together during that shared time.
- Enhanced Creativity & Technical Abilities - Individuals who play games have proven to score higher on tests of creative ability than those who do not. They also display a higher level of technical knowledge, which in today's technology based society gives them an advantage in the workforce and life in general.
The many social, cognitive, and physical benefits of playing games just keep multiplying. Whether your personal goal is to keep your mind as young and healthy as possible, or to simply escape the stress of life for a short while. The benefits are beginning to become proven results as more studies and tests are conducted. Most of us could really care less what the statistics and numbers are associated with the algorithms that are employed by the scientist who are testing the theories, however knowing that the benefits can come from games that we enjoy playing anyway is a nice surprise. So the next time you feel like sitting down at your computer and taking a break, go ahead... enjoy the benefits and your favorite game!
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